DSL Telecom VoIP

A telephony system which is fully managed and hosted within the cloud

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A lady making a high quality business phone call over a reliable VoIP service

Benefits of having a VoIP service

A man working using DSL Telecom VoIP to make and receive calls.

Productivity Gains

See your business start to free up time and work more cohesively. Better technology usually drives a better working environment.

Total Scalability

VoIP enables you to make changes on the fly with no limits. Scale your company’s phone system to an almost unlimited number of users.

Rapid Deployment

Every time you open a new site or add a new user, VoIP is configurable on demand and doesn't take months of planning and installation.

Secure Infrastructure

You'll no longer need to worry about on-site security concerns since DSL Telecom employs carrier-grade security and privacy practices.


Use the VoIP system on any device, anywhere with an internet connection, so teams can efficiently communicate while working remotely.

Detailed Reporting

When deploying VoIP, a business is engulfed in mountains of data and information that are handily translated into reports, graphs and analysis to base business decisions on.

FAQs on DSL Telecom VoIP


What is Cloud VoIP?

Cloud VoIP is a cloud-based service where a business's telephone system are hosted in the cloud.

Do you offer telephony integration? 

Yes, DSL Telecom's Cloud Phone System integrates with Zoho, learn more here: www.pbxcapetown.co.za

Are there any limitations to using a VoIP phone system?

No, there are no practical limitations. You can make as many calls as needed. However to prevent misuse and abuse, only one phone call can be placed per line per second.

What is the voice quality like?

Provided you have the correct bandwidth and hardware, the voice quality is superb and is audibly better than even an analogue call.

Can I keep my phone numbers?

Absolutely! We have a thorough porting process that ensures we port each of your numbers.

How does a VoIP phone system work?

Rather than turning it into a regular telephone signal, VoIP solutions transform your voice into digital data packets, which are then easily and rapidly transmitted through the Internet to the person on the receiving end. This allows calls to be made through a computer, smartphone, IP phone, or even a traditional phone connected to an adapter that transforms telephone signal into the data packets mentioned above.

What should I look out for in a Cloud Communications System?

Your requirements depend on how many employees you have and the features you need.

Does my computer need to be online for me to make a call?

If you make calls with the Linkus desktop app on your computer, then yes. Otherwise, your computer does not need to be connected. You can complete calls as long as you have internet access and a the Linkus mobile app enabled on your smartphone.
How much does a VoIP phone system cost? 
A VoIP phone system will almost always be cheaper than a traditional phone system.

Infrastructure costs, for example are less because you're simply expanding your use of the existing internet connection.

How much does DSL Telecom VoIP cost?

DSL Telecom VoIP costs R150 per month.

Related resources

Case Study

RenEnergy seamlessly migrated their phone system to the cloud with DSL Telecom's Cloud PBX system.

Read the Case Study 

A woman sitting in a remote Zoho CRM Campaign Training

Take a read through some of the amazing benefits of switching to a cloud phone system.

Read the Blog   

A computer screen of a conference call for the Zoho Sales IQ training session
Case Study

Learn more about how Curemed adopted DSL Telecom's Cloud Phone System amongst other services.

Read the Case Study   

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