In a nutshell, a Fair Usage Policy is a policy which is utilised internationally by broadband providers of all types of mobile internet to ensure that every subscriber uses their data in moderation. When subscribers use large amounts of mobile data, other users in the same network can be adversely affected. In order to prevent those few mass-data consumers from eating into the bandwidth of the other users, an internet service provider (ISP) may cap an abuser’s data speed.
Is a Fair Usage Policy actually fair?
Although a Fair Usage Policy may seem unreasonable, the logic behind this measure is practical and fair. ISPs implement a Fair Usage Policy to ensure that everyone can enjoy the best experience using their internet service. These providers may monitor your internet usage and if you go beyond your fair-use limit, they can restrict your network speed accordingly.
Telkom's Uncapped LTE FUP
In terms of the Telkom Uncapped LTE FUP, Telkom reserves the right to apply restrictions on an Uncapped LTE account if a customer ‘s behaviour is deemed to be affecting the user experience of other customers on the Telkom network. Examples of customer behaviour which may compromise Telkom’s network performance include, amongst others, causing congestion, running excessive concurrent internet sessions or accessing excessive bandwidth-intensive protocols such as peer-to-peer.
Restrictions which may be applied include throttling a customer’s throughput speeds and/or shaping a customer’s bandwidth to limit the use of bandwidth-intensive protocols and applications.

What does throttling mean?
Bandwidth throttling is the intentional slowing of an internet service - It's basically a reactive measure to regulate network traffic and minimise bandwidth congestion. Throttling still allows you to browse the internet, but at a reduced speed.
Think of it like traffic on the highway - the amount of data being used corresponds to the number of vehicles on the highway. There is only a limited number of lanes, so when the highway gets too crowded by users using too many of these data vehicles, it could result in a traffic jam of activity thus slowing your speed.
Here's what you can expect:
Telkom's SmartBroadband Wireless unlimited (All hours) FUP monthly data allocation is as follows:
Telkom Uncapped LTE 10Mbps | Telkom Uncapped LTE 20Mbps |
Up to 500GB of usage, you will be able to access the network at 10Mbps speed. After 500GB you will be able to access the network at a standard 4Mbps speed. Should you use more than 550GB, Telkom will then reduce the speed to 2Mbps | Up to 600GB of usage, you will be able to access the network at 20Mbps speed. After 600GB you will be able to access the network at a standard 4Mbps speed. Should you use more than 650GB, Telkom will then reduce the speed to 2Mbps |

What about P2P and NNTP traffic?
P2P (Peer-to-peer downloads) and NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) traffic type speeds will be reduced to 128kbps during network peak times of 6 pm and 12 midnight.
It's good to note that web browsing, email, VoIP and TV/Radio streaming does not fall into the P2P/NNTP category and speed will not be affected.
So we're sure you'll agree that Telkom's Uncapped LTE Fair Usage Policy is indeed extremely fair and is only in place to protect it's customers.
Telkom Uncapped LTE All Hours is a truly Uncapped LTE product where you can use as much data as you want without worrying about hitting data caps or having to top up.
To view all Telkom's Uncapped LTE deals, click here 👉👉